Saturday, July 10, 2010

BBQ Bash

So last night we went to a BBQ at Manda & Scott's. There was some good friends and good food. I had made cupcakes for the event. They where chocolate chip mint with chocolate mint icing. I wanted to make them cute so I decided to try doing sunflowers. It was a lot of work but lucky for me my darling Nick helped me pump them out. He was a real trooper! I was bummed that the icing wasn't thick enough to hold up in the heat. So all the petals wilted. I like how the m&m ladybugs turned out. I was super late due to work, but Nick was able to be there the whole time. It was a lot of fun and messing with people. Poor Shell and Nick got the most of it. Good thing it was all in good fun and everyone was a good sport. Hooray for friends!

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Yay, I'm glad that you're back blogging. :) I'm glad that the BBQ was fun.