Friday, July 9, 2010

Horsey Car

Oh how I love our nephew Alex! He is the most hilarious boy! I can't get over how smart he is. He really likes cars. He has tons and knows each and every one. If one is missing he knows and is so upset about it til it is found (much to Adam & Kate's dismay). When we are out on the road he will say "It's a PT Cruiser just like daddy's" or "Look a corvette, that's Grandpa's favorite!" But his favorite car is the mustang or horsey car. He gets so excited when he sees one. His favorite hot wheel is this beat up yellow mustang. If you ask him what kind of car he wants he will tell you in full detail the mustang he wants. It is hilarious! But the funniest thing has been when he saw the commercial for the new 2011 mustang. Holy cow he went crazy! He sings the song from it everywhere he goes (mind you he doesn't know all the words so he makes up his own or he'll sing about his horsey car to the tune of the song). He will ask Kate to sing it for him over and over again. He was thrilled to find out that he could see it on the computer any time. Yesterday he took some of his money he saved and bought himself a new horsey car. He had to tell everyone about it. Man he is too cute!!!! I just love him!!!! Check it out...

1 comment:

Manda Jane Clawson said...

oh I just love that boy!!