Friday, March 9, 2012

When it Rains...

Man, this week has been a really rough one for me. I am feeling quite overwhelmed. Back in January the doctors figured out some of my issues, which is a blessing. They found somethings we need to take care of in order to start our family. As well as needing to go to another doctor for something I was clueless of. I'm on some new meds that I have to take for 6 months and they are really affecting me. I'm so sick all the time and just can't shake it. Not to mention I cry at the drop of a hat (which is the worst at work, I hate crying). This week I went to the new doctor and after waiting for 3 hours I had some more tests ran. They found some things that are concerning and want to do some more in depth tests. I have to wait til the end of April for those which is kind of making me anxious. However, I am really thankful that I'm starting to get some answers and not just the usual "we don't know what is wrong." I'm glad things are getting taken care of.
On some happier notes, we've had some good things happen. Nick finally got a new car after going months without one (he was hit right before Christmas, so thankful it was just the car that got hurt and not him). He got a red 2004 MINI so we are now a 2 MINI family. Nick is just so happy about it, it makes me happy! We also both got callings last night. Nick was put in as a Priest adviser and I was put in as an adviser to the Mia Maids. Nick is a little nervous as this is his first calling. I'm excited to be in the young womens again but a little anxious. Will they like me? It takes a little while for me to find a groove and be comfortable. I also am a little nervous about who I'll be serving with, I have a slightly different teaching style and I don't want to rock the boat or create waves (I'm not crazy or anything, I just tend to encourage discussion and I share a lot of stories and personal experiences -cuz I'm so old and have tons). But I am excited to get to see some of my girls again even though they are Laurels. I really like this ward. It is much easier to be involved and enjoy it. Tonight we are going to a cake auction where I will be taking cupcakes that look like a tv dinner (chicken legs, mashed potatoes, peas and carrots, and pudding). I'm hoping they are a hit (I'll post pics later, if I can, I've been having issues with that).
I truly am grateful for the changes that are happening in my life. Even though it is rough now, not only will it get better but it will be better for us. We are blessed. I'm also so grateful we have each other to lean on and support one another. I know I couldn't handle some of these things without Nick. Gosh I love him!
My boys

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