It's been super crazy around here! We are moved into our apartment. Unpacked, however, is a totally different story. It's a lot of work, especially since we have a lot in boxes but not much furniture. Thankfully there have been some wonderful people who have given us various pieces. We now have things to sit on, sore things and eat at. Thank you to Kathy, Scott & Manda, and Wes & Trisha! And a special thank you to our families who have not only given us physical things but their time and energy as well! We are so blessed to have so many wonderful people in our lives! We like being on our own doing our own thing. Living in an apartment is more of an adjustment than I was expecting, but I'll get used to things.
A major adjustment that I wasn't expecting quite so soon was Nick surprised me with a sweet little dog the day we moved in. I quickly named him Rupert. Poor thing has been sick since that day with kennel cough (a doggie cold) which has been trying for me. He coughs all night and scares children and neighbors when he coughs. But the biggest trial with him has been that we thought he was house broken but he isn't. To prevent any accidents I need to take him outside every hour in a half to two hours. And sometimes even then he still has accidents. It's rather difficult to get much done with having to go out every 2 hours and spend 15-20 minutes each time. It's like I have a newborn (not saying I know exactly how it is to have a child) only his surprises I find randomly throughout the house and behind boxes and under things. We are working on it so hopefully he'll get it.
My snuggly Rupert |
Our biggest struggle right now is finances (like everyone else). And we have been feeling the strain especially hard this week as my health has taken a bad turn. I've been extremely sick. To the point of not being able to get out of bed. I went to the Dr. on tuesday where they debated admitting me to the hospital. Instead I was sent to get several emergency tests done. It made for a long and exhausting day. Nick stayed up late into the night to keep an eye on me incase I needed to be taken in. I found that if I didn't move I could bear it and we made it through the night. The next night Nick got to experience one of my "episodes" for the first time. However it was not a full blown one, I was able to stay in control enough to not wail. I have not felt this horribly in a long time. It seems that all of the different things I've been dealing with health wise have come together and hit me all at once. I'm so grateful Nick was able to give me a blessing so I've been able to go to work (as there is no way I can miss it right now). Now is the trial of my faith. The tests I took earlier this week came back that everything is normal. I am going in for a major test next week, so we shall see what that shows. It's back to more doctors and more tests. I guess my main struggle is that we are spending so much money trying to find out what is wrong with everything coming back normal. I feel like we are wasting precious money we barely have. I just need to have faith that things will work out. It is, after all, through the Lord that all things are possible.
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