With it being a new year I had wanted to blog at least once a month as I am really terrible at it. But as you can see it is the middle of February and this is the first chance I have gotten to it. My problem is the only time I get a chance to be on a computer is at work, and work has been crazy busy. Life has been crazy busy.
Back in October or November (not sure which, it's all a blur) I discovered mold in our apartment. It was in our front closet, on all but one window sill, in the main bathroom and I later found it all over a wall int the master bedroom. The maintenance came and "took care" of it twice. On the third time I had had it and we decided to get out. It was the biggest headache. I felt like I was going in circles and that no one (in the various departments and at the complex) cared or thought it was a big deal. I even had a woman at the health department tell me that if they enforced mold problems they would have to shut down trees and forests. It took all I had not to scream, "I don't live in a tree!!!" Finally after my great-uncle (who is a lawyer) told the apartment higher ups that we were planning a law suit we were allowed out of our lease. We found out the second week of January that we had til the end of the month to be out. It was such a scramble. Especially as I was very sick and could barely get out of bed for almost two weeks. Nick was sweet and tried his hardest to take care of me and get things packed. We had to find something and quick! We were able to find a place that was available and would let us move in quick. As it was a rush job we really didn't get a chance to really check it out. Which I'm regretting. The place is in pretty bad shape and needs a lot of work (which wouldn't be so bad if we owned it and could fix it up). The people before us pretty much trashed it and as we needed to be moved we had to take it as is. I will admit I cried a bit on moving day, I was so beyond stressed and disappointed (finding a dead chicken and all the aftermath of the previous owners having chickens nearly sent me over the edge). But I'm trying to find positive things about it. With this place we will be saving some money on the rent so that means we will be able to get out of debt faster. We are much closer to our families, not that we were super far away before but having them around the corner can be nice. I love being able to take Rupert and walk over to my parents were he enjoys a play date with Abby (we call her Rupert's girlfriend as he loves her) and Bella. I love not having to go up and down two flights of stairs to get in and out of our place. Not to mention just having to open the back door, put Rupert on his cord (we have to keep him on a stake so he doesn't slip out under the fence, the stinker) and let him go. I am also excited about the ward we are in. It was just newly formed the week we moved in so everyone is new-ish. There are people from the ward I went to primary as well as people from the ward we were in when just months ago, including some of my girls I taught in young womens. I do have to admit it is nice to know people, we don't feel so foreign.
I'm working on embracing this new path we are on. But I won't lie, I'm struggling. So if I complain, forgive me, it's a work in progress. I hope to be able to make the place our own and to have friends and family over now that we have a place that is a little more conducive to it.
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